While prices are rising so fast, many shops think they can climb on the bandwagon and raise their prices, too. 值此价格飞涨的时候,许多商店认为可以赶浪头提高商品价格。
Prince would like to climb on top of the tower to see her, and then around to find the door, how can not be found. 王子想爬到塔顶上去见她,便四处找门,可怎么也没有找到。
No more trunk for you to climb on. 没有树干供你爬。
Three dimensions enhance the drama of a rupturing hull and the horror of people sliding helplessly across the massive deck, falling into the ocean or trying to climb on the lifeboats. 船身断裂,惊恐万分的人们从巨大的甲板上滑落,掉入海中,有的试图爬上救生艇,3D效果更增强了这一场景的戏剧性刺激。
There is an endless supply of stories about sleepwalkers. Persons have been said to climb on roofs, solve mathematical problems, compose music, walk through windows, and commit murder in their sleep. 关于梦游的人,有说不完的事:据说有些人在梦游中爬上了屋顶、解出了一些数学题、作了曲,从窗户走出去了,杀了人。
Mr. Linn makes the Vail Pass climb on his road bike two to three times in the summer with friends. 鲍勃则会登上自己的山地车和朋友们一起完成在威尔帕斯山的骑行路线,这样的骑行他每年夏季会进行两到三次。
Although you can climb on your toilet seat and squat, the kink can also be ironed out by sitting with your feet on a little stool and leaning forward. 你可以爬上你家的马桶圈上蹲着,不过也可以坐在马桶上,然后给脚下垫一个小凳子,同时保持身体前倾,用这种方式实现蹲便。
The space is too small for me to be able to see the picture properly, so I climb on to a stool and look down at it from above, to get the perspective right. 空间太小,我能够看到这幅画恰当,我爬上一个凳子,低头看它从上头来的、得到正确的观点。
Laura would climb on his lap, and he'd read to her. 劳拉会爬到他的膝上,他便为她朗读点什么。
Other tips to help with your vegetable garden include the use of corn stalks or sunflowers as interesting, biodegradable poles for beans to climb on. 其它能帮助你蔬菜园艺的窍门包括,让豆子攀爬玉米秸和向日葵,它们样子有趣,还能生物降解。
At this time, Chinese developers and clients are more drawn to Western than to traditional Chinese architectural styles, preferring to climb on board current international trends. 目前,中国的开发商和客户过于追求向西方学习,更乐于追赶当今世界潮流,而忽视了中国传统的建筑风格。
No more truck for you to climb on. 再也没有树干可以爬了。
Surprisingly, you can actually reach it-without having to climb on the seat. 令人意想不到的是,它竟然触手可及,而无需您站到座椅上。
They climb on my old suffering like ivy. 他们像常春藤一样爬上我多年的难过。
Female wolf spiders may allow young to climb on their backs and transport them. 母狼蛛会允许幼蜘蛛爬到它背上,并驮着它们走。
Some roses climb on frames. There are a pair of vases on the sideboard. 在餐具架上有一对花瓶。
Some roses climb on frames. 有些蔷薇花攀在架子上。
Observe that if we climb on high, the position may be dangerous; 试想,若你登上高处,那是蛮危险的;
You can climb on me to reach the sink. 如果你够不到水池,可以站在我身上;
They can be trained to climb on top of an archway or over your doorway. 他们可以训练攀登再加上一拱门或以上您的门口。
There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 城镇外面的马路上,有个很陡的坡。
Yes. I always climb on limestone-my hardest routes are on limestone. 是的,我一直爬的都是石灰岩-我最难的线路都是石灰岩的。
It will climb on the back of one, holding a sword in its claws, and hack its head away from its body. 它会爬上一条龙的背部,用它的爪来持着一把剑,把它的头从身体上砍去。
What! Fortunately I didn't climb on foot. 啊!幸亏我没有徒步登山。
Keep all the windows locked in case children want to climb on the windowsill and look out. 将所有的窗户都锁上以防儿童想爬上窗户往外看。
Nathan watched him climb on his bicycle. 内森看着他骑上车子。
I remember as a kid and I used to go to the toilet and the toilet seat was up in the dark, I'd climb on to go to the loo there's no seat and I'd fall in. 我记得小时候曾经晚上去上厕所,在黑暗中看不见坐圈被提起来了,等爬上马桶后没有坐圈,结果我就掉进去了。
Dogs can exercise inside or outside, and cats have a large area with carpeted objects to climb on and play with. 小狗们可以在户内和户外活动,小猫们可以在一个铺着地毯的宽阔场地爬来爬去和玩耍。
Luckily, she was a mother and was used to having little boys climb on her lap. 幸运的是,太后也是一位母亲,习惯了小孩子在她的膝头玩闹。